A couple of weeks back, when I was at my new favorite wine shop Esquin Wine Merchants, I asked an employee if there were any screaming deals in the Australian wine section. (Yes, I actually used the words "screaming deals," and I immediately wondered why those words chose to come out at that moment. Then I remembered I am a graduate student and it all made perfect sense.) To my relief and delight my choice of language seemed to spark a flame of excitement in him. He immediately informed me that there indeed was a screaming deal in the Australian wines. He then quickly walked to this section and pulled down a bottle of the 2003 St. John's Road, a Barossa Valley wine. He then shared how a lady had just brought a case and a half back the day before because she prefered the old world Rhone style syrah's to the new world Australian Shiraz's. He shared how excited the staff was because they were then able to buy two bottles each of this wine. I was sold. For $13.69 I was told I would not be disappointed, and I wasn't.
Tonight was the night to let this wine shine. After 45 minutes in the decanter I poured Jessi and myself a glass to raise in celebratio
I could have easily overlooked my accomplishment today. All too often I do overlook the important moments in my life, but I have made a point of celebrating more of these moments in my life and the lives of those I know and love. Wine is one of the many things that helps mark a special accomplishment, occasion, relationship, etc. Next time you feel the beginnings of excitement regarding a major or minor accomplishment, excitement over a great relationship, or other occasion treat yourself to a glass, cup, or bottle of your favorite beverage. Just know that the celebration will be that much sweeter if you are drinking wine!