Wednesday, January 2, 2008

What's going on?

Wine has been a growing passion of mine for many years. Drinking wine with good food and great friends is a glorious experience. Every time I open a bottle of wine I become excited with the anticipation of how this wine will smell, taste and feel. There have been some wines where the bouquet has been so captivating that I have forgotten to taste the wine for 10 minutes or longer. Other wines have exhibited such powerful flavors, complexity, and overall depth of character they have left me in a state of awe and wonder. For me wine is a balm for my soul.

This blog is a way for me to keep a record of my impressions and thoughts about the different wines I have had, and will have the joy of trying. As the title suggests this blog will not just be tasting notes about the wines I have tried, but will also be infused with how life, and the relationships that bring meaning and energy to life, impact the way wine is experienced, and also how wine impacts how life is experienced.

Due to my chosen profession and my grad student status I won't be tasting wine most nights, but that just helps me to savor the wines I am privileged to try all the more. I am excited to see where life with wine leads.


David said...
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Jessi said...

Welcome to the blogoshere! Can't wait to read your thoughts on the wine we drink together!

Unknown said...

crikey - you've been busy!